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213 statements
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1#!/usr/bin/env python3
2# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
3"""Sparkle command to execute a parallel algorithm portfolio."""
5import sys
6import argparse
7import random
8import time
9import shutil
10import csv
11import itertools
12from pathlib import Path, PurePath
14from tqdm import tqdm
16import runrunner as rrr
17from runrunner.base import Runner
18from runrunner.slurm import Status
20from import Scenario
21from import logging as sl
22from import global_variables as gv
23from sparkle.CLI.initialise import check_for_initialise
24from import argparse_custom as ac
25from import resolve_object_name
26from sparkle.platform.settings_objects import Settings, SettingState
27from sparkle.solver import Solver
28from sparkle.instance import Instance_Set, InstanceSet
29from sparkle.types import SolverStatus, resolve_objective, UseTime
32def run_parallel_portfolio(instances_set: InstanceSet,
33 portfolio_path: Path,
34 solvers: list[Solver],
35 run_on: Runner = Runner.SLURM) -> None:
36 """Run the parallel algorithm portfolio.
38 Args:
39 instances_set: Set of instances to run on.
40 portfolio_path: Path to the parallel portfolio.
41 solvers: List of solvers to run on the instances.
42 run_on: Currently only supports Slurm.
43 """
44 num_solvers, num_instances = len(solvers), len(instances_set._instance_paths)
45 seeds_per_solver = gv.settings().get_parallel_portfolio_number_of_seeds_per_solver()
46 num_jobs = num_solvers * num_instances * seeds_per_solver
47 parallel_jobs = min(gv.settings().get_number_of_jobs_in_parallel(), num_jobs)
48 if parallel_jobs > num_jobs:
49 print("WARNING: Not all jobs will be started at the same time due to the "
50 "limitation of number of Slurm jobs that can be run in parallel. Check"
51 " your Sparkle Slurm Settings.")
52 print(f"Sparkle parallel portfolio is running {seeds_per_solver} seed(s) per solver "
53 f"on {num_solvers} solvers for {num_instances} instances ...")
54 cmd_list = []
55 cutoff = gv.settings().get_general_target_cutoff_time()
56 objectives = gv.settings().get_general_sparkle_objectives()
57 # Create a command for each instance-solver-seed combination
58 for instance, solver in itertools.product(instances_set._instance_paths, solvers):
59 for _ in range(seeds_per_solver):
60 seed = int(random.getrandbits(32))
61 solver_call_list = solver.build_cmd(
62 instance.absolute(),
63 objectives=objectives,
64 seed=seed,
65 cutoff_time=cutoff,
66 log_dir=portfolio_path)
67 cmd_list.append((" ".join(solver_call_list)).replace("'", '"'))
68 # Jobs are added in to the runrunner object in the same order they are provided
69 sbatch_options = gv.settings().get_slurm_extra_options(as_args=True)
70 solver_names = ", ".join([ for s in solvers])
71 run = rrr.add_to_queue(
72 runner=run_on,
73 cmd=cmd_list,
74 name=f"Parallel Portfolio: {solver_names}",
75 parallel_jobs=parallel_jobs,
76 base_dir=sl.caller_log_dir,
77 srun_options=["-N1", "-n1"] + sbatch_options,
78 sbatch_options=sbatch_options
79 )
80 check_interval = gv.settings().get_parallel_portfolio_check_interval()
81 instances_done = [False] * num_instances
82 # We record the 'best' of all seed results per solver-instance,
83 # setting start values for objectives that are always present
84 cpu_time_key = [ for o in objectives if"cpu_time")][0]
85 status_key = [ for o in objectives if"status")][0]
86 wall_time_key = [ for o in objectives if"wall_time")][0]
87 default_objective_values = {}
88 for o in objectives:
89 default_value = float(sys.maxsize) if o.minimise else 0
90 # Default values for time objectives can be linked to cutoff time
91 if o.time and o.post_process:
92 default_value = o.post_process(default_value, cutoff, SolverStatus.KILLED)
93 default_objective_values[] = default_value
94 job_output_dict = {instance_name: { default_objective_values.copy()
95 for solver in solvers}
96 for instance_name in instances_set._instance_names}
97 n_instance_jobs = num_solvers * seeds_per_solver
99 with tqdm(total=len(instances_done)) as pbar:
100 pbar.set_description("Instances done")
101 while not all(instances_done):
102 prev_done = sum(instances_done)
103 time.sleep(check_interval)
104 job_status_list = [r.status for r in]
105 job_status_completed = [status == Status.COMPLETED
106 for status in job_status_list]
107 # The jobs are sorted by instance
108 for i, instance in enumerate(instances_set._instance_paths):
109 if instances_done[i]:
110 continue
111 instance_job_slice = slice(i * n_instance_jobs,
112 (i + 1) * n_instance_jobs)
113 if any(job_status_completed[instance_job_slice]):
114 instances_done[i] = True
115 # Kill all running jobs for this instance
116 solver_kills = [0] * num_solvers
117 for job_index in range(i * n_instance_jobs,
118 (i + 1) * n_instance_jobs):
119 if not job_status_completed[job_index]:
121 solver_index = int(
122 (job_index % n_instance_jobs) / seeds_per_solver)
123 solver_kills[solver_index] += 1
124 for solver_index in range(num_solvers):
125 # All seeds of a solver were killed on instance, set status kill
126 if solver_kills[solver_index] == seeds_per_solver:
127 solver_name = solvers[solver_index].name
128 job_output_dict[][solver_name]["status"] =\
129 SolverStatus.KILLED
130 pbar.update(sum(instances_done) - prev_done)
132 # Attempt to verify that all logs have been written (Slurm I/O latency)
133 for index, cmd in enumerate(cmd_list):
134 runsolver_configuration = cmd.split(" ")[:11]
135 logs = [Path(p) for p in runsolver_configuration
136 if Path(p).suffix in [".log", ".val", ".rawres"]]
137 if not all([p.exists() for p in logs]):
138 time.sleep(check_interval)
140 # Now iterate over runsolver logs to get runtime, get the lowest value per seed
141 for index, cmd in enumerate(cmd_list):
142 solver_index = int((index % n_instance_jobs) / seeds_per_solver)
143 runsolver_configuration = cmd.split(" ")[:11]
144 solver_obj = solvers[solver_index]
145 solver_output = Solver.parse_solver_output([i].stdout,
146 cmd.split(" "),
147 objectives=objectives,
148 verifier=solver_obj.verifier)
149 instance_name = instances_set._instance_names[int(index / n_instance_jobs)]
150 print(solver_output)
151 cpu_time = solver_output[cpu_time_key]
152 cmd_output = job_output_dict[instance_name][]
153 if cpu_time > 0.0 and cpu_time < cmd_output[cpu_time_key]:
154 for key, value in solver_output.items():
155 if key in [ for o in objectives]:
156 job_output_dict[instance_name][][key] = value
157 if (status_key not in cmd_output
158 or cmd_output[status_key] != SolverStatus.KILLED):
159 cmd_output[status_key] = solver_output[status_key]
161 # Fix the CPU/WC time for non existent logs to instance min time + check_interval
162 for instance in job_output_dict.keys():
163 no_log_solvers = []
164 min_time = cutoff
165 for solver in job_output_dict[instance].keys():
166 cpu_time = job_output_dict[instance][solver][cpu_time_key]
167 if cpu_time == -1.0 or cpu_time == float(sys.maxsize):
168 no_log_solvers.append(solver)
169 elif cpu_time < min_time:
170 min_time = cpu_time
171 for solver in no_log_solvers:
172 job_output_dict[instance][solver][cpu_time_key] = min_time + check_interval
173 job_output_dict[instance][solver][wall_time_key] = min_time + check_interval
174 # Fix runtime objectives with resolved CPU/Wall times
175 for key, value in job_output_dict[instance][solver].items():
176 objective = resolve_objective(key)
177 if objective is not None and objective.time:
178 if objective.use_time == UseTime.CPU_TIME:
179 value = job_output_dict[instance][solver][cpu_time_key]
180 else:
181 value = job_output_dict[instance][solver][wall_time_key]
182 if objective.post_process is not None:
183 status = job_output_dict[instance][solver][status_key]
184 value = objective.post_process(value, cutoff, status)
185 job_output_dict[instance][solver][key] = value
187 for index, instance_name in enumerate(instances_set._instance_names):
188 index_str = f"[{index + 1}/{num_instances}] "
189 instance_output = job_output_dict[instance_name]
190 if all([instance_output[k][status_key] == SolverStatus.TIMEOUT
191 for k in instance_output.keys()]):
192 print(f"\n{index_str}{instance_name} was not solved within the cutoff-time.")
193 continue
194 print(f"\n{index_str}{instance_name} yielded the following Solver results:")
195 for sindex in range(index * num_solvers, (index + 1) * num_solvers):
196 solver_name = solvers[sindex % num_solvers].name
197 job_info = job_output_dict[instance_name][solver_name]
198 print(f"\t- {solver_name} ended with status {job_info[status_key]} in "
199 f"{job_info[cpu_time_key]}s CPU-Time ({job_info[wall_time_key]}s "
200 "Wall clock time)")
202 # Write the results to a CSV
203 csv_path = portfolio_path / "results.csv"
204 values_header = [ for o in objectives]
205 header = ["Instance", "Solver"] + values_header
206 result_rows = [header]
207 for instance_name in job_output_dict.keys():
208 for solver_name in job_output_dict[instance_name].keys():
209 job_o = job_output_dict[instance_name][solver_name]
210 values = [instance_name, solver_name] + [
211 job_o[key] if key in job_o else "None"
212 for key in values_header]
213 result_rows.append(values)
214 with"w") as out:
215 writer = csv.writer(out)
216 writer.writerows(result_rows)
219def parser_function() -> argparse.ArgumentParser:
220 """Define the command line arguments.
222 Returns:
223 parser: The parser with the parsed command line arguments
224 """
225 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Run a portfolio of solvers on an "
226 "instance set in parallel.")
227 parser.add_argument(*ac.InstanceSetPathsArgument.names,
228 **ac.InstanceSetPathsArgument.kwargs)
229 parser.add_argument(*ac.NicknamePortfolioArgument.names,
230 **ac.NicknamePortfolioArgument.kwargs)
231 parser.add_argument(*ac.SolversArgument.names,
232 **ac.SolversArgument.kwargs)
233 parser.add_argument(*ac.ObjectivesArgument.names,
234 **ac.ObjectivesArgument.kwargs)
235 parser.add_argument(*ac.CutOffTimeArgument.names,
236 **ac.CutOffTimeArgument.kwargs)
237 parser.add_argument(*ac.SolverSeedsArgument.names,
238 **ac.SolverSeedsArgument.kwargs)
239 parser.add_argument(*ac.RunOnArgument.names,
240 **ac.RunOnArgument.kwargs)
241 parser.add_argument(*ac.SettingsFileArgument.names,
242 **ac.SettingsFileArgument.kwargs)
243 return parser
246def main(argv: list[str]) -> None:
247 """Main method of run parallel portfolio command."""
248 # Log command call
249 sl.log_command(sys.argv)
250 check_for_initialise()
252 # Define command line arguments
253 parser = parser_function()
255 # Process command line arguments
256 args = parser.parse_args(argv)
257 if args.solvers is not None:
258 solver_paths = [resolve_object_name("".join(s),
259 target_dir=gv.settings().DEFAULT_solver_dir)
260 for s in args.solvers]
261 if None in solver_paths:
262 print("Some solvers not recognised! Check solver names:")
263 for i, name in enumerate(solver_paths):
264 if solver_paths[i] is None:
265 print(f'\t- "{solver_paths[i]}" ')
266 sys.exit(-1)
267 solvers = [Solver(p) for p in solver_paths]
268 else:
269 solvers = [Solver(p) for p in
270 gv.settings().DEFAULT_solver_dir.iterdir() if p.is_dir()]
272 # Compare current settings to latest.ini
273 prev_settings = Settings(PurePath("Settings/latest.ini"))
274 Settings.check_settings_changes(gv.settings(), prev_settings)
276 # Do first, so other command line options can override settings from the file
277 if args.settings_file is not None:
278 gv.settings().read_settings_ini(args.settings_file, SettingState.CMD_LINE)
280 portfolio_path = args.portfolio_name
282 if args.run_on is not None:
283 gv.settings().set_run_on(
284 args.run_on.value, SettingState.CMD_LINE)
285 run_on = gv.settings().get_run_on()
287 if args.solver_seeds is not None:
288 gv.settings().set_parallel_portfolio_number_of_seeds_per_solver(
289 args.solver_seeds, SettingState.CMD_LINE)
291 if run_on == Runner.LOCAL:
292 print("Parallel Portfolio is not fully supported yet for Local runs. Exiting.")
293 sys.exit(-1)
295 # Retrieve instance set
296 data_set = resolve_object_name(
297 args.instance_path,
298 gv.file_storage_data_mapping[gv.instances_nickname_path],
299 gv.settings().DEFAULT_instance_dir,
300 Instance_Set)
302 print(f"Running on {data_set.size} instance(s)...")
304 if args.cutoff_time is not None:
305 gv.settings().set_general_target_cutoff_time(args.cutoff_time,
306 SettingState.CMD_LINE)
308 if args.objectives is not None:
309 gv.settings().set_general_sparkle_objectives(
310 args.objectives, SettingState.CMD_LINE)
311 if not gv.settings().get_general_sparkle_objectives()[0].time:
312 print("ERROR: Parallel Portfolio is currently only relevant for "
313 "RunTime objectives. In all other cases, use validation")
314 sys.exit(-1)
316 if args.portfolio_name is not None: # Use a nickname
317 portfolio_path = gv.settings().DEFAULT_parallel_portfolio_output_raw /\
318 args.portfolio_name
319 else: # Generate a timestamped nickname
320 timestamp = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S", time.gmtime(time.time()))
321 randintstamp = int(random.getrandbits(32))
322 portfolio_path = gv.settings().DEFAULT_parallel_portfolio_output_raw /\
323 f"{timestamp}_{randintstamp}"
324 if portfolio_path.exists():
325 print(f"[WARNING] Portfolio path {portfolio_path} already exists! "
326 "Overwrite? [y/n] ", end="")
327 user_input = input()
328 if user_input != "y":
329 sys.exit()
330 shutil.rmtree(portfolio_path)
331 portfolio_path.mkdir(parents=True)
332 run_parallel_portfolio(data_set, portfolio_path, solvers, run_on=run_on)
334 # Update latest scenario
335 gv.latest_scenario().set_parallel_portfolio_path(portfolio_path)
336 gv.latest_scenario().set_latest_scenario(Scenario.PARALLEL_PORTFOLIO)
337 gv.latest_scenario().set_parallel_portfolio_instance_path(args.instance_path)
338 # Write used scenario to file
339 gv.latest_scenario().write_scenario_ini()
340 # Write used settings to file
341 gv.settings().write_used_settings()
342 print("Running Sparkle parallel portfolio is done!")
343 sys.exit(0)
346if __name__ == "__main__":
347 main(sys.argv[1:])