Source code for

"""The Parameter Configuration Space Parser class."""
from __future__ import annotations
import re
import sys
import numpy as np
from enum import Enum
from abc import ABC
from pathlib import Path

class PCSObject(ABC):
    """General data structure to keep the pcs file in.

    Fields are added by functions, such that checks can be conducted.
    def __init__(self: PCSObject) -> None:
        """Initialize the PCSObject."""
        self.params = []

    def add_param(self: PCSObject,
                  name: str,
                  structure: str = "integer",
                  domain: list = [-sys.maxsize, sys.maxsize],
                  scale: str = "linear",
                  default: str = "0",
                  comment: str = None) -> None:
        """Add a parameter to the PCSObject."""
        if structure not in ["integer", "real", "categorical", "ordinal"]:
            raise ValueError(f"Parameter structure {structure} not supported.")

        # Domain check
        if structure in ["integer", "real"]:
            if len(domain) != 2:
                raise ValueError(f"Parameter domain {domain} not supported.")
        elif structure == "categorical":
            # TODO: check categories
            scale = None

            "name": name,
            "structure": structure,
            "domain": domain,
            "scale": scale,
            "default": default,
            "comment": comment,
            "type": "parameter",

    def add_constraint(self: PCSObject, **kwargs: any) -> None:
        """Add a constraint to the PCSObject."""
        # TODO add checks
        self.params.append({**kwargs, "type": "constraint"})

    def add_forbidden(self: PCSObject, **kwargs: any) -> None:
        """Add a forbidden clause to the PCSObject."""
        # TODO add checks
        self.params.append({**kwargs, "type": "forbidden"})

    def add_comment(self: PCSObject, **kwargs: any) -> None:
        """Add a comment to the PCSObject."""
        # TODO add checks
        self.params.append({**kwargs, "type": "comment"})

    def clear(self: PCSObject) -> None:
        """Clear the PCSObject."""
        self.params = []

    def get(self: PCSObject, name: str) -> dict:
        """Get a parameter from the PCSObject based on the name."""
        names = {p["name"]: i for i, p in enumerate(self.params) if "name" in p}
        if name in names:
            return self.params[names[name]]
        return None

class PCSConvention(Enum):
    """Internal pcs convention enum."""
    unknown = ""
    SMAC = "smac"
    ParamILS = "paramils"

[docs] class PCSParser(ABC): """Base interface object for the parser. It loads the pcs files into the generic pcs object. Once a parameter file is loaded, it can be exported to another file """ def __init__(self: PCSParser, inherit: PCSParser = None) -> None: """Initialize the PCSParser.""" if inherit is None: self.pcs = PCSObject() else: self.pcs = inherit.pcs @staticmethod def _format_string_to_enum(string: str) -> PCSConvention: """Convert string to PCSConvention.""" for form in PCSConvention: if form.value == string: return form raise Exception("ERROR: parameter configuration space format is not supported.")
[docs] def check_validity(self: PCSParser) -> bool: """Check the validity of the pcs.""" # TODO implement # check if for all parameters in constraints and forbidden clauses exists # Check for conflict between default values and constraints and forbidden clauses return True
[docs] def load(self: PCSParser, filepath: Path, convention: str = "smac") -> None: """Main import function.""" if isinstance(filepath, str): filepath = Path(filepath) convention = self._format_string_to_enum(convention) # TODO check if file actually exists lines = if convention == PCSConvention.SMAC: parser = SMACParser(self) parser.parse(lines) self.pcs = parser.pcs else: raise Exception(f"ERROR: Importing the pcs convention for {convention.value}" " is not yet implemented.")
[docs] def export(self: PCSParser, convention: str = "smac", destination: Path = None) -> None: """Main export function.""" convention = self._format_string_to_enum(convention) if convention == PCSConvention.ParamILS: pcs = ParamILSParser(self).compile() else: raise Exception(f"ERROR: Exporting the pcs convention for {convention.value}" " is not yet implemented.")"w").write(pcs)
class SMACParser(PCSParser): """The SMAC parser class.""" def parse(self: SMACParser, lines: list[str]) -> None: """Parse the pcs file.""" self.pcs.clear() # PARAMS for line in lines: # The only forbidden characters in parameter names are: # spaces, commas, quotes, and parentheses regex = (r"(?P<name>[^\s\"',]*)\s+(?P<structure>\w*)\s+(?P<domain>(\[|\{)" r".*(\]|\}))\s*\[(?P<default>.*)\]\s*(?P<scale>log)" r"*\s*#*(?P<comment>.*)") m = re.match(regex, line) if m is not None: fields = m.groupdict() fields["domain"] = re.sub(r"(?:\[|\]|\{|\})", "", fields["domain"]) fields["domain"] = re.split(r"\s*,\s*", fields["domain"]) self.pcs.add_param(**fields) continue # CONSTRAINTS regex = (r"(?P<parameter>[^\s\"',]+)\s*\|\s" r"*(?P<conditions>.+)\s*#*(?P<comment>.*)") m = re.match(regex, line) if m is not None: constraint = m.groupdict() constraint["conditions"] = self._parse_conditions( constraint["conditions"]) self.pcs.add_constraint(**constraint) continue # FORBIDDEN CLAUSES regex = r"\s*\{(?P<clauses>[^\}]+)\}\s*#*(?P<comment>.*)" m = re.match(regex, line) if m is not None: forbidden = m.groupdict() conditions = [] # Simple clauses # {<parameter name 1>=<value 1>, ..., <parameter name N>=<value N>} if "," in forbidden["clauses"]: forbidden["clause_type"] = "simple" for clause in re.split(r"\s*,\s*", forbidden["clauses"]): m = re.match(r"(?P<param>[^\s\"',=]+)\s*=\s*" r"(?P<value>[^\s\"',]+)", clause) if m is not None: conditions.append(m.groupdict()) else: print(clause, "ERROR") else: # Advanced clauses forbidden["clause_type"] = "advanced" # TODO decide if we need to further parse this down conditions = [expr for expr in re.split(r"\s*(?:\|\||&&)\s*", forbidden["clauses"])] if len(conditions) == 0: raise Exception(f"ERROR: cannot parse the following line:\n'{line}'") forbidden["clauses"] = conditions self.pcs.add_forbidden(**forbidden) continue # COMMENTLINE regex = r"\s*#(?P<comment>.*)" m = re.match(regex, line) if m is not None: comment = m.groupdict() self.pcs.add_comment(**comment) continue # EMTPY LINE regex = r"^\s*$" m = re.match(regex, line) if m is not None: continue # RAISE ERROR raise Exception(f"ERROR: cannot parse the following line: \n'{line}'") return def _parse_conditions(self: SMACParser, conditions: str) -> list[tuple]: """Parse the conditions.""" conditionlist = [] condition = None operator = None nested = 0 nested_start = 0 condition_start = 0 for pos, char in enumerate(conditions): # Nested clauses if char == "(": if nested == 0: nested_start = pos nested += 1 elif char == ")": nested -= 1 if nested == 0: condition = self._parse_conditions(conditions[nested_start + 1:pos]) conditionlist.append((operator, condition)) if (pos + 1) == len(conditions): return conditionlist if pos > 1 and nested == 0: for op in ["||", "&&"]: if conditions[pos - 1: pos + 1] == op: if not isinstance(condition, list): condition = self._parse_condition( conditions[condition_start:pos - 1]) conditionlist.append((operator, condition)) operator = op condition_start = pos + 1 condition = self._parse_condition(conditions[condition_start:len(conditions)]) conditionlist.append((operator, condition)) return conditionlist @staticmethod def _parse_condition(condition: str) -> dict: """Parse the condition.""" cont = False m = re.match(r"\s*(?P<parameter>[^\s\"',]+)\s*(?P<quantifier>==|!=|<|>|<=|>=)" r"\s*(?P<value>[^\s\"',]+)\s*", condition) if m is not None: condition = { **m.groupdict(), "type": "numerical", } cont = True if not cont: m = re.match(r"\s*(?P<parameter>[^\s\"',]+)\s+" r"in\s*\{(?P<items>[^\}]+)\}\s*", condition) if m is not None: condition = { **m.groupdict(), "type": "categorical", } condition["items"] = re.split(r",\s*", condition["items"]) cont = True if not cont: raise Exception(f"ERROR: Couldn't parse '{condition}'") return condition def compile(self: SMACParser) -> str: """Compile the PCS.""" # TODO implement pass class ParamILSParser(PCSParser): """PCS parser for ParamILS format.""" def parse(self: ParamILSParser, lines: list[str]) -> None: """Parse the PCS.""" # TODO implement pass def compile(self: ParamILSParser) -> str: """Compile the PCS.""" # TODO Produce warning if certain specifications cannot be kept in this format # TODO granularity parameter that sets how log and real ranges should be expanded granularity = 20 lines = [] for item in self.pcs.params: if item["type"] == "parameter": if item["structure"] in ["ordinal", "categorical"]: domain = ",".join(item["domain"]) elif item["structure"] == "integer": if len(item["domain"]) != 2: raise ValueError(f"Domain {item['domain']} not supported.") (minval, maxval) = [int(i) for i in item["domain"]] if item["scale"] != "log": # domain = f"{minval}, {(minval + 1)}..{maxval}" domain = list(np.linspace(minval, maxval, granularity)) domain = list(set(np.round(domain).astype(int))) # Cast to int if int(item["default"]) not in domain: domain += [int(item["default"])] domain.sort() domain = ",".join([str(i) for i in domain]) else: domain = list(np.unique(np.geomspace(minval, maxval, granularity, dtype=int))) # add default value if int(item["default"]) not in domain: domain += [int(item["default"])] domain.sort() domain = ",".join([str(i) for i in domain]) elif item["structure"] == "real": if len(item["domain"]) != 2: raise ValueError(f"Domain {item['domain']} not supported.") (minval, maxval) = [float(i) for i in item["domain"]] if item["scale"] != "log": domain = list(np.linspace(minval, maxval, granularity)) else: domain = list(np.unique(np.geomspace(minval, maxval, granularity, dtype=float))) # add default value if float(item["default"]) not in domain: domain += [float(item["default"])] domain.sort() # Filter duplicated in string format domain = list(set([f"{i}" for i in domain])) domain.sort(key=float) domain = ",".join(domain) domain = "{" + domain + "}" line = f"{item['name']} {domain} [{item['default']}]" if item["comment"] != "": line += f" #{item['comment']}" lines.append(line) for item in self.pcs.params: if item["type"] == "constraint": line = f"{item['parameter']} | " line += self._compile_conditions(item["conditions"]) if item["comment"] != "": line += f" #{item['comment']}" lines.append(line) for item in self.pcs.params: if item["type"] == "forbidden": if item["clause_type"] == "simple": clauses = [f"{cls['param']}={cls['value']}" for cls in item["clauses"]] line = "{" + ",".join(clauses) + "}" if item["comment"] != "": line += f"#{item['comment']}" lines.append(line) else: print("WARNING: Advanced forbidden clauses " "are not supported by ParamILS.") pass lines = "\n".join(lines) return lines def _compile_conditions(self: ParamILSParser, conditions: list[tuple]) -> str: """Compile a list of conditions.""" line = "" for operator, condition in conditions: if operator is not None: line += f" {operator} " if isinstance(condition, list): line += f"({self._compile_conditions(condition)})" else: if condition["type"] == "numerical": line += f"{condition['parameter']} in " + "{" param = self.pcs.get(condition["parameter"]) if param["structure"] == "categorical": if condition["value"] in param["domain"]: line += f"{condition['value']}" + "}" # line += "{parameter} {quantifier} {value}".format(**condition) if condition["type"] == "categorical": items = ", ".join(condition["items"]) line += f"{condition['parameter']} in {{{items}}}" return line