
In this section we demonstrate the usage of the platform for Algorithm Configuration, the creation of Algorithm Portfolios and Algorithm Selection.

Setting up Sparkle

Before running Sparkle, you probably want to have a look at the settings described in the Platform section. In particular, the default Slurm settings should be reconfigured to work with your cluster, for example by specifying a partition to run on.

Recompilation of example Solvers

Although the examples come precompiled with the download, in some cases they may not directly work on your target system due to certain target-system specific choices that are made during compilation. You can follow the steps below to re-compile.


The CSCCSat Solver can be recompiled as follows in the Examples/Resources/Solvers/CSCCSat/ directory:

unzip src.zip
cd src/CSCCSat_source_codes/
cp CSCCSat ../../


The MiniSAT solver can be recompiled as follows in the Examples/Resources/Solvers/MiniSAT/ directory:

unzip src.zip
cd minisat-master/
cp build/release/bin/minisat ../


The PbO-CCSAT solver can be recompiled as follows in the Examples/Resources/Solvers/PbO-CCSAT-Generic/ directory:

unzip src.zip
cd PbO-CCSAT-master/PbO-CCSAT_process_oriented_version_source_code/
cp PbO-CCSAT ../../

TCA and FastCA

The TCA and FastCA solvers, require GLIBCXX_3.4.21. This library comes with GCC 5.1.0 (or greater). Following installation you may have to update environment variables such as LD_LIBRARY_PATH, LD_RUN_PATH, CPATH to point to your installation directory.

TCA can be recompiled as follows in the Examples/Resources/CCAG/Solvers/TCA/ directory:

unzip src.zip
cd TCA-master/
make clean
cp TCA ../

FastCA can be recompiled as follows in the Examples/Resources/CCAG/Solvers/FastCA/ directory:

unzip src.zip
cd fastca-master/fastCA/
make clean
cp FastCA ../../


VRP_SISRs solver can be recompiled as follows in the Examples/Resources/CVRP/Solvers/VRP_SISRs/ directory:

unzip src.zip
cd src/
cp VRP_SISRs ../

Algorithm Runtime Configuration

These steps can also be found as a Bash script in Examples/configuration.sh

Initialise the Sparkle platform

sparkle initialise

Add instances

Add train, and optionally test, instances (in this case in CNF format) in a given directory, without running solvers or feature extractors yet

sparkle add_instances Examples/Resources/Instances/PTN/
sparkle add_instances Examples/Resources/Instances/PTN2/

Add a configurable solver

Add a configurable solver (here for SAT solving) with a wrapper containing the executable name of the solver and a string of command line parameters, without running the solver yet

The solver directory should contain the solver executable, the sparkle_solver_wrapper wrapper, and a .pcs file describing the configurable parameters

sparkle add_solver Examples/Resources/Solvers/PbO-CCSAT-Generic/

If needed solvers can also include additional files or scripts in their directory, but keeping additional files to a minimum speeds up copying.

Configure the solver

To perform configuration on the solver to obtain a target configuration we run:

sparkle configure_solver --solver Solvers/PbO-CCSAT-Generic/ --instance-set-train Instances/PTN/

This step should take about ~10 minutes, although it is of course very cluster / slurm settings dependant.

Validate the configuration

To make sure configuration is completed before running validation you can use the wait command

sparkle wait

Now we can validate the performance of the best found parameter configuration against the default configuration specified in the PCS file. The test set is optional.

sparkle validate_configured_vs_default --solver Solvers/PbO-CCSAT-Generic/ --instance-set-train Instances/PTN/ --instance-set-test Instances/PTN2/

Generate a report

Wait for validation to be completed

sparkle wait

Generate a report detailing the results on the training (and optionally testing) set. This includes the experimental procedure and performance information; this will be located in a Configuration_Reports/ subdirectory for the solver, training set, and optionally test set like PbO-CCSAT-Generic_PTN/Sparkle-latex-generator-for-configuration/

sparkle generate_report

By default the generate_report command will create a report for the most recent solver and instance set(s). To generate a report for older solver-instance set combinations, the desired solver can be specified with --solver Solvers/PbO-CCSAT-Generic/, the training instance set with --instance-set-train Instances/PTN/, and the testing instance set with --instance-set-test Instances/PTN2/.

Run ablation

We can run ablation to determine parameter importance based on default (from the .pcs file) and configured parameters. To run ablation using the training instances and validate the parameter importance with the test set

sparkle run_ablation --solver Solvers/PbO-CCSAT-Generic/ --instance-set-train Instances/PTN/ --instance-set-test Instances/PTN2/

Generate a report

Wait for ablation to be completed

sparkle wait

Generate a report including ablation, and as before the results on the train (and optionally test) set, the experimental procedure and performance information; this will be located in a Configuration_Reports/ subdirectory for the solver, training set, and optionally test set like PbO-CCSAT-Generic_PTN/Sparkle-latex-generator-for-configuration/

sparkle generate_report

The ablation section can be suppressed with --no-ablation

Immediate ablation and validation after configuration

By adding --ablation and/or --validate to the configure_solver command, ablation and respectively validation will run directly after the configuration is finished.

There is no need to execute run_ablation and/or validate_configured_vs_default when these flags are given with the configure_solver command

Training set only

sparkle configure_solver --solver Solvers/PbO-CCSAT-Generic/ --instance-set-train Instances/PTN/ --ablation --validate

Training and testing sets

Wait for the previous example to be completed

sparkle wait
sparkle configure_solver --solver Solvers/PbO-CCSAT-Generic/ --instance-set-train Instances/PTN/ --instance-set-test Instances/PTN2/ --ablation --validate

Run configured solver

Run configured solver on a single instance

Now that we have a configured solver, we can run it on a single instance to get a result.

sparkle run_configured_solver Examples/Resources/Instances/PTN2/Ptn-7824-b20.cnf

Run configured solver on an instance directory

It is also possible to run a configured solver directly on an entire directory.

sparkle run_configured_solver Examples/Resources/Instances/PTN2

Algorithm Quality Configuration

We can configure an algorithm too based on some quality objective, that can be defined by the user. See the SparkleObjective page for all options regarding objective defintions. These steps can also be found as a Bash script in Examples/configuration_qualty.sh

Initialise the Sparkle platform

sparkle initialise

Add instances

Now we add train, and optionally test, instances for configuring our algorithm (in this case for the VRP). The instance sets are placed in a given directory.

sparkle add_instances Examples/Resources/CVRP/Instances/X-1-10/
sparkle add_instances Examples/Resources/CVRP/Instances/X-11-20/

Add a configurable solver

Add a configurable solver (In this tutorial its an algorithm for vehicle routing) with a wrapper containing the executable name of the solver and a string of command line parameters.

The solver directory should contain the sparkle_solver_wrapper.py wrapper, and a .pcs file describing the configurable parameters.

sparkle add_solver Examples/Resources/CVRP/Solvers/VRP_SISRs/

In this case the source directory also contains an executable, as the algorithm has been compiled from another programming language (C++). If needed solvers can also include additional files or scripts in their directory, but keeping additional files to a minimum speeds up copying.

Configure the solver

Perform configuration on the solver to obtain a target configuration. For the VRP we measure the absolute quality performance by setting the --objectives option, to avoid needing this for every command it can also be set in Settings/sparkle_settings.ini.

sparkle configure_solver --solver Solvers/VRP_SISRs/ --instance-set-train Instances/X-1-10/ --objectives quality

Validate the configuration

To make sure configuration is completed before running validation you can use the sparkle wait command

sparkle wait

Validate the performance of the best found parameter configuration. The test set is optional. We again set the performance measure to absolute quality.

sparkle validate_configured_vs_default --solver Solvers/VRP_SISRs/ --instance-set-train Instances/X-1-10/ --instance-set-test Instances/X-11-20/ --objective quality

Generate a report

Wait for validation to be completed

sparkle wait

Generate a report detailing the results on the training (and optionally testing) set. This includes the experimental procedure and performance information; this will be located in a Configuration_Reports/ subdirectory for the solver, training set, and optionally test set like VRP_SISRs_X-1-10_X-11-20/Sparkle-latex-generator-for-configuration/. We again set the performance measure to absolute quality.

sparkle generate_report --objective quality

By default the generate_report command will create a report for the most recent solver and instance set(s). To generate a report for older solver-instance set combinations, the desired solver can be specified with --solver Solvers/VRP_SISRs/, the training instance set with --instance-set-train Instances/X-1-10/, and the testing instance set with --instance-set-test Instances/X-11-20/.

Configuring Random Forest on Iris

We can also use Sparkle for Machine Learning approaches, such as Random Forest for the Iris data set. Note that in this case, the entire data set is considered as being one instance.

Initialise the Sparkle platform

sparkle initialise

Add instances

sparkle add_instances Examples/Resources/Instances/Iris

Add solver

sparkle add_solver Examples/Resources/Solvers/RandomForest

Configure the solver on the data set

sparkle configure_solver --solver RandomForest --instance-set-train Iris --objectives accuracy:max

sparkle wait

Validate the performance of the best found parameter configuration. The test set is optional.

sparkle validate_configured_vs_default --solver RandomForest --instance-set-train Iris --objectives accuracy:max

Generate a report

Wait for validation to be completed

sparkle wait

Generate a report detailing the results on the training (and optionally testing) set.

sparkle generate_report --objectives accuracy:max

Running a Parallel Portfolio

In this tutorial we will measure the runtime performance of several algorithms in parallel. The general idea is that we consider the algorithms as a portfolio that we run in parallel (hence the name) and terminate all running algorithms once a solution is found.

Initialise the Sparkle platform

sparkle initialise

Add instances

First we add the instances to the platform that we want to use for our experiment. Note that if our instance set contains multiple instances, the portfolio will attempt to run them all in parallel. Note that you should use the full path to the directory containing the instance(s)

sparkle add_instances Examples/Resources/Instances/PTN/

Add solvers

Now we can add our solvers to the portfolio that we want to “race” in parallel against eachother. The path used should be the full path to the solver directory and should contain the solver executable and the sparkle_solver_wrapper wrapper. It is always a good idea to keep the amount of files in your solver directory to a minimum.

sparkle add_solver Examples/Resources/Solvers/CSCCSat/
sparkle add_solver Examples/Resources/Solvers/MiniSAT/
sparkle add_solver Examples/Resources/Solvers/PbO-CCSAT-Generic/

Run the portfolio

By running the portfolio a list of jobs will be created which will be executed by the cluster. Use the --cutoff-time option to specify the maximal time for which the portfolio is allowed to run. add --portfolio-name to specify a portfolio otherwise it will select the last constructed portfolio

The --instance-path option must be a path to a single instance file or an instance set directory. For example --instance-path Instances/Instance_Set_Name/Single_Instance.

If your solvers are non-deterministic (e.g. the random seed used to start your algorithm can have an impact on the runtime), you can set the amount of jobs that should start with a random seed per algorithm. Note that scaling up this variable has a significant impact on how many jobs will be run (Number of instances * number of solvers * number of seeds). We can set using the --solver-seeds argument followed by some positive integer.

sparkle run_parallel_portfolio --instance-path Instances/PTN/ --portfolio-name runtime_experiment

Generate the report

The report details the experimental procedure and performance information. This will be located at Output/Parallel_Portfolio/Sparkle_Report.pdf

sparkle generate_report

Algorithm Selection

Sparkle also offers various tools to apply algorithm selection, where we, given an objective, train another algorithm to determine which solver is best to use based on an instance.

These steps can also be found as a Bash script in Examples/selection.sh

Initialise the Sparkle platform

sparkle initialise

Add instances

First, we add instance files (in this case in CNF format) to the platform by specifying the path.

sparkle add instances Examples/Resources/Instances/PTN/

Add solvers

Now we add solvers to the platform as possible options for our selection. Each solver directory should contain the solver wrapper.

sparkle add solver Examples/Resources/Solvers/CSCCSat/
sparkle add solver Examples/Resources/Solvers/PbO-CCSAT-Generic/
sparkle add solver Examples/Resources/Solvers/MiniSAT/

Add feature extractor

To run the selector, we need certain features to represent our instances. To that end, we add a feature extractor to the platform that creates vector representations of our instances.

sparkle add feature extractor Examples/Resources/Extractors/SAT-features-competition2012_revised_without_SatELite_sparkle/

Compute features

Now we can run our features with the following command:

sparkle compute features

Run the solvers

Similarly, we can now also compute our objective values for our solvers, in this case PAR10. Note that we can at this point still specifiy multiple objectives by separating them with a comma, or denote them in our settings file.

sparkle run solvers --objective PAR10

Construct a portfolio selector

To make sure feature computation and solver performance computation are done before constructing the portfolio use the wait command

sparkle wait

Now we can construct a portfolio selector, using the previously computed features and the results of running the solvers. The --selector-timeout argument determines for how many seconds we will train our selector for. We can set the flag --solver-ablation for actual marginal contribution computation later.

sparkle construct portfolio selector --selector-timeout 1000 --solver-ablation
sparkle wait  # Wait for the constructor to complete its computations

Generate a report

Generate an experimental report detailing the experimental procedure and performance information; this will be located at Output/Selection/Sparkle_Report.pdf

sparkle generate report

Run the portfolio selector

Run on a single instance

Run the portfolio selector on a single testing instance; the result will be printed to the command line

sparkle run portfolio selector Examples/Resources/Instances/PTN2/plain7824.cnf

Run on an instance set

Run the portfolio selector on a testing instance set

sparkle run portfolio selector Examples/Resources/Instances/PTN2/
sparkle wait  # Wait for the portfolio selector to be done running on the testing instance set

Generate a report including results on the test set

Generate an experimental report that includes the results on the test set, and as before the experimental procedure and performance information; this will be located at Output/Selection/Sparkle_Report_For_Test.pdf

sparkle generate report

By default the generate_report command will create a report for the most recent instance set. To generate a report for an older instance set, the desired instance set can be specified with: --test-case-directory Test_Cases/PTN2/

Comparing against SATZilla 2024

If you wish to compare two feature extractors against one another, you need to remove the previous extractor from the platform (Or create a new platform from scratch) by running:

sparkle remove feature extractor SAT-features-competition2012_revised_without_SatELite_sparkle

Otherwise, Sparkle will interpret adding the other feature extractor as creating a combined feature vector per instance from all present extractors in Sparkle. Now we can add SATZilla 2024 from the Examples directory Note that this feature extractor requires GCC (any version, tested with 13.2.0) to run.

sparkle add feature extractor Examples/Resources/Extractors/SAT-features-competition2024

We can also investigate a different data set, SAT Competition 2023 for which Sparkle has a subset.

sparkle remove instances PTN
sparkle remove instances PTN2
sparkle add instances Examples/Resources/Instances/SATCOMP2023_SUB

We compute the features for the new extractor and new instances.

sparkle compute features
sparkle wait  # Wait for it to complete before continuing

Now we can train a selector based on these features.

sparkle construct portfolio selector --selector-timeout 1000
sparkle wait  #Wait for the computation to be done

And generate the report. When running on the PTN/PTN2 data sets, you can compare the two to see the impact of different feature extractors.

sparkle generate report

Algorithm selection with multi-file instances

We can also run Sparkle on problems with instances that use multiple files. In this tutorial we will perform algorithm selection on instance sets with multiple files.

Initialise the Sparkle platform

sparkle initialise

Add instances

Add instance files in a given directory, without running solvers or feature extractors yet. In addition to the instance files, the directory should contain a file sparkle_instance_list.txt where each line contains a space separated list of files that together form an instance.

sparkle add_instances Examples/Resources/CCAG/Instances/CCAG/

Add solvers

Add solvers (here for the constrained covering array generation (CCAG) problem) with a wrapper containing the executable name of the solver and a string of command line parameters, without running the solvers yet

Each solver directory should contain the solver executable and a wrapper

sparkle add_solver Examples/Resources/CCAG/Solvers/TCA/
sparkle add_solver Examples/Resources/CCAG/Solvers/FastCA/

Add feature extractor

Similarly, add a feature extractor, without immediately running it on the instances

sparkle add_feature_extractor Examples/Resources/CCAG/Extractors/CCAG-features_sparkle/

Compute features

Compute features for all the instances

sparkle compute_features

Run the solvers

Run the solvers on all instances. For the CCAG (Constrained Covering Array Generation) problem we measure the quality objective by setting the --objectives option, to avoid needing this for every command it can also be set in Settings/sparkle_settings.ini.

sparkle run_solvers --objectives quality

Construct a portfolio selector

To make sure feature computation and solver performance computation are done before constructing the portfolio use the wait command

sparkle wait

Construct a portfolio selector, using the previously computed features and the results of running the solvers. We again set the objective measure to quality.

sparkle construct_portfolio_selector --objectives quality

Running the selector

Run on a single instance

Run the portfolio selector on a single testing instance; the result will be printed to the command line. We again set the objective to quality.

sparkle run_portfolio_selector Examples/Resources/CCAG/Instances/CCAG2/Banking2.model Examples/Resources/CCAG/Instances/CCAG2/Banking2.constraints --objectives quality

Run on an instance set

Run the portfolio selector on a testing instance set. We again set the objective to quality.

sparkle run_portfolio_selector Examples/Resources/CCAG/Instances/CCAG2/ --objectives quality

Generate a report including results on the test set

Wait for the portfolio selector to be done running on the testing instance set

sparkle wait

Generate an experimental report that includes the results on the test set, and as before the experimental procedure and performance information; this will be located at Components/Sparkle-latex-generator/Sparkle_Report_For_Test.pdf. We again set the obejctive to quality.

sparkle generate_report --objectives quality`

By default the generate_report command will create a report for the most recent instance set. To generate a report for an older instance set, the desired instance set can be specified with: --test-case-directory Test_Cases/CCAG2/