Source code for sparkle.solver.selector

"""File to handle a Selector for selecting Solvers."""
from __future__ import annotations
from pathlib import Path
import subprocess
import ast

import runrunner as rrr
from runrunner import Runner, Run

from sparkle.types import SparkleCallable, SparkleObjective
from sparkle.structures import FeatureDataFrame, PerformanceDataFrame

[docs] class Selector(SparkleCallable): """The Selector class for handling Algorithm Selection.""" def __init__(self: SparkleCallable, executable_path: Path, raw_output_directory: Path) -> None: """Initialize the Selector object. Args: executable_path: Path of the Selector executable. raw_output_directory: Directory where the Selector will write its raw output. Defaults to directory / tmp """ self.selector_builder_path = executable_path = self.selector_builder_path.parent = self.raw_output_directory = raw_output_directory if not self.raw_output_directory.exists(): self.raw_output_directory.mkdir(parents=True)
[docs] def build_construction_cmd( self: Selector, target_file: Path, performance_data: Path, feature_data: Path, objective: SparkleObjective, runtime_cutoff: int | float | str = None, wallclock_limit: int | float | str = None) -> list[str | Path]: """Builds the commandline call string for constructing the Selector. Args: target_file: Path to the file to save the Selector to. performance_data: Path to the performance data csv. feature_data: Path to the feature data csv. objective: The objective to optimize for selection. runtime_cutoff: Cutoff for the runtime in seconds. Defaults to None wallclock_limit: Cutoff for total wallclock in seconds. Defaults to None Returns: The command list for constructing the Selector. """ objective_function = "runtime" if objective.time else "solution_quality" # Python3 to avoid execution rights cmd = ["python3", self.selector_builder_path, "--performance_csv", performance_data, "--feature_csv", feature_data, "--objective", objective_function, "--save", target_file] if runtime_cutoff is not None: cmd.extend(["--runtime_cutoff", str(runtime_cutoff), "--tune"]) if wallclock_limit is not None: cmd.extend(["--wallclock_limit", str(wallclock_limit)]) return cmd
[docs] def construct(self: Selector, target_file: Path | str, performance_data: PerformanceDataFrame, feature_data: FeatureDataFrame, objective: SparkleObjective, runtime_cutoff: int | float | str = None, wallclock_limit: int | float | str = None, run_on: Runner = Runner.SLURM, sbatch_options: list[str] = None, base_dir: Path = Path()) -> Run: """Construct the Selector. Args: target_file: Path to the file to save the Selector to. performance_data: Path to the performance data csv. feature_data: Path to the feature data csv. objective: The objective to optimize for selection. runtime_cutoff: Cutoff for the runtime in seconds. wallclock_limit: Cutoff for the wallclock time in seconds. run_on: Which runner to use. Defaults to slurm. sbatch_options: Additional options to pass to sbatch. base_dir: The base directory to run the Selector in. Returns: Path to the constructed Selector. """ if isinstance(target_file, str): target_file = self.raw_output_directory / target_file # Convert the dataframes to Selector Format performance_csv = performance_data.to_autofolio(objective=objective, target=target_file.parent) feature_csv = feature_data.to_autofolio(target_file.parent) cmd = self.build_construction_cmd(target_file, performance_csv, feature_csv, objective, runtime_cutoff, wallclock_limit) cmd_str = " ".join([str(c) for c in cmd]) construct = rrr.add_to_queue( runner=run_on, cmd=[cmd_str], name="construct_selector", base_dir=base_dir, stdout=Path("normal.log"), stderr=Path("error.log"), sbatch_options=sbatch_options) if run_on == Runner.LOCAL: construct.wait() if not target_file.is_file(): print(f"Selector construction of {} failed!") return construct
[docs] def build_cmd(self: Selector, selector_path: Path, feature_vector: list | str) -> list[str | Path]: """Builds the commandline call string for running the Selector.""" if isinstance(feature_vector, list): feature_vector = " ".join(map(str, feature_vector)) return ["python3", self.selector_builder_path, "--load", selector_path, "--feature_vec", feature_vector]
[docs] def run(self: Selector, selector_path: Path, feature_vector: list | str) -> list: """Run the Selector, returning the prediction schedule upon success.""" cmd = self.build_cmd(selector_path, feature_vector) run =, capture_output=True) if run.returncode != 0: print(f"Selector run of {} failed! Error:\n" f"{run.stderr.decode()}") return None # Process the prediction schedule from the output schedule = Selector.process_predict_schedule_output(run.stdout.decode()) if schedule is None: print(f"Error getting predict schedule! Selector {} output:\n" f"{run.stderr.decode()}") return schedule
[docs] @staticmethod def process_predict_schedule_output(output: str) -> list: """Return the predicted algorithm schedule as a list.""" prefix_string = "Selected Schedule [(algorithm, budget)]: " predict_schedule = "" predict_schedule_lines = output.splitlines() for line in predict_schedule_lines: if line.strip().startswith(prefix_string): predict_schedule = line.strip() break if predict_schedule == "": return None predict_schedule_string = predict_schedule[len(prefix_string):] return ast.literal_eval(predict_schedule_string)