Auto-Verify is a tool that provides interfaces, parameter spaces and installation managers for different neural network verification tools.
Getting Started
Auto-Verify has only been tested for Linux and will not work on MacOS and Windows.
Installing Auto-Verify
First, install Miniconda. Miniconda is used to manage the environments of different verification tools, other environment managers will not work.
Anaconda can fail trying to install environments in some cases where Miniconda does not.
After Miniconda is installed, setup Auto-Verify by running the following commands:
To check if the installation was succesful, run:
Installing Verification Tools
Currently, Auto-Verify supports the following verifiers:
These verifiers can be installed as follows:
> auto-verify install nnenum
> auto-verify install abcrown
> auto-verify install verinet
> auto-verify install ovalbab
To uninstall a verifier, run: